Title I
Title I Notification
Florida Mesa Elementary is dedicated to making sure all of our children succeed in school and in life. We’re proud of the programs we offer at Florida Mesa Elementary that help students learn and ultimately be successful.
However, the way our school and student achievement is measured and reported will be different under the federal law known as Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), formerly known as, No Child Left Behind (NCLB). It’s important for you to understand how this law affects your child’s school and our students.
ESSA, signed into law by President Obama in December 2015, requires states to set challenging standards in math, reading or language arts, and science that are aligned with higher education and Career and Technical Education (CTE) expectations. ESSA requires alternate achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities as well as standards for English-language proficiency.
Florida Mesa Elementary receives funds from Title I, which is a federal program that provides resources to schools that have high free lunch numbers. ESSA focuses on schools, like ours, that receive Title I funding.
Under ESSA, every school receiving Title I money is required to notify parents of their rights:
● to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher and will be notified if the teacher does not meet applicable licensure requirements;
● to know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks as well as the qualifications of the substitute teacher;
● to know how the school is rated by Colorado Department of Education, based on state standardized test scores;
● to understand Common Core State Standards as measures by state assessments and your child’s test scores;
● to expect regular communication with your school in a language you can understand;
● to work with other families and teachers to develop a school-level family agreement between school and families;
● to help plan how money for family engagement should be spent;
● to work with other families, teachers, and the principal in developing a Unified Improvement Plan;
● to request a meeting with your child’s teacher or the principal;
● to volunteer at the school, within school and district policy;
● to join your school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and school Accountability Committee to learn more about your school;
We need your help to make sure all children are successful in school and in life. By working together as a community, we’ll overcome our challenges and build the bright future our children deserve. If you’d like to get involved, please call me at 970-247-4250.
Thank you,
Shannon Morris
Florida Mesa Elementary is dedicated to making sure all of our children succeed in school and in life. We’re proud of the programs we offer at Florida Mesa Elementary that help students learn and ultimately be successful.
However, the way our school and student achievement is measured and reported will be different under the federal law known as Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), formerly known as, No Child Left Behind (NCLB). It’s important for you to understand how this law affects your child’s school and our students.
ESSA, signed into law by President Obama in December 2015, requires states to set challenging standards in math, reading or language arts, and science that are aligned with higher education and Career and Technical Education (CTE) expectations. ESSA requires alternate achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities as well as standards for English-language proficiency.
Florida Mesa Elementary receives funds from Title I, which is a federal program that provides resources to schools that have high free lunch numbers. ESSA focuses on schools, like ours, that receive Title I funding.
Under ESSA, every school receiving Title I money is required to notify parents of their rights:
● to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher and will be notified if the teacher does not meet applicable licensure requirements;
● to know when your child has a substitute teacher for more than four weeks as well as the qualifications of the substitute teacher;
● to know how the school is rated by Colorado Department of Education, based on state standardized test scores;
● to understand Common Core State Standards as measures by state assessments and your child’s test scores;
● to expect regular communication with your school in a language you can understand;
● to work with other families and teachers to develop a school-level family agreement between school and families;
● to help plan how money for family engagement should be spent;
● to work with other families, teachers, and the principal in developing a Unified Improvement Plan;
● to request a meeting with your child’s teacher or the principal;
● to volunteer at the school, within school and district policy;
● to join your school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and school Accountability Committee to learn more about your school;
We need your help to make sure all children are successful in school and in life. By working together as a community, we’ll overcome our challenges and build the bright future our children deserve. If you’d like to get involved, please call me at 970-247-4250.
Thank you,
Shannon Morris
Title I Notification
Florida Mesa Elementary hace lo posible para asegurarse de que todos nuestros niños tengan éxito en la escuela y en sus vidas. Estamos orgullosos de los programas que ofrecemos en Florida Mesa Elementary, los cuales ayudan a los estudiantes a aprender y en última instancia a triunfar.
Sin embargo, la manera como se mide e informa sobre el rendimiento escolar y estudiantil será diferente bajo la ley federal conocida como Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA por su sigla en inglés), conocida anteriormente como Que Ningún Niño se Quede Atrás (NCLB por su sigla en inglés). Es importante que entienda cómo esta ley afecta a la escuela de su hijo/a y a nuestros estudiantes.
La ley ESSA, promulgada por el presidente Obama en diciembre de 2015, requiere que los estados establezcan metas para las escuelas en relación a la competencia estudiantil en lectura y matemáticas y con respecto a la calidad de los docentes. Además, la ley requiere que los estados y los distritos escolares hagan un seguimiento anual del progreso de las escuelas con respecto a la consecución de estas metas e informen a los padres y madres de familia sobre los resultados.
Florida Mesa Elementary recibe fondos de Title I, un programa federal que proporciona recursos a las escuelas con un nivel alto de estudiantes que participan en el programa de almuerzos gratis. La ley ESSA se enfoca en escuelas que, como la nuestra, reciben fondos de Title I.
Conforme a la ley ESSA, todas las escuelas que reciban fondos de Title I deben notificar a los padres/madres de familia sobre su derecho a:
• ser informados sobre las cualificaciones del maestro/a de sus hijos y a que se les notifique si dicho maestro/a no cumple con los requisitos de licencia profesional correspondientes;
• ser informados cuando su hijos tengan un maestro/a suplente durante más de cuatro semanas y a saber igualmente las calificaciones del maestro/a suplente;
• ser informados sobre la calificación del Departamento de Educación de Colorado recibida por la escuela conforme a los resultados de las evaluaciones estandarizadas del estado;
• entender cómo las evaluaciones del estado y las calificaciones que sus hijos reciben en los exámenes miden los Estándares Básicos Comunes del Estado;
• esperar comunicaciones habituales de la escuela de sus hijos en el idioma que dichos padres/madres entiendan;
• trabajar con otras familias y los docentes a fin de desarrollar un acuerdo familiar a nivel escolar entre la escuela y las familias;
• ayudar a planificar cómo se gasta el dinero que se dedica a la participación activa de las familias;
• trabajar con otros padres/madres de familia, los maestros y la dirección a fin de desarrollar un Plan de Mejoría Unificado;
• pedir que el maestro/a o el director/a de sus hijos se reúna con ellos;
• participar como voluntarios en la escuela, conforme a las normas de la escuela y el distrito;
• participar en la Asociación de Padres/Madres de Familia y Docentes (PTA por su sigla en inglés) y el Comité de Responsabilidad Escolar de su escuela;
• si se asignó a su escuela un plan de Mejoría con prioridad o de Reforma tienen derecho a transferir a sus hijos a una escuela de opción identificada por el distrito y a que se les provea el transporte a la otra escuela.
Necesitamos su ayuda para asegurarnos de que todos los niños tengan éxito en la escuela y en sus vidas. Si trabajamos juntos como una comunidad, podremos superar las dificultades y forjar el futuro prometedor que nuestros niños se merecen. Si desean participar, por favor comuníquense conmigo en el 970-247-4250.
Vanessa Giddings