Dear Florida Mesa Families,

School Safety: Our number one priority is to keep all students safe. There are a variety of ways that we practice school-wide safety procedures and protocols. Fire – In the event of a fire, the fire alarm sounds which includes a loud buzzer and strobe lighting. Our teachers and staff begin our fire procedures by leading their students outside by way of their respective egress exits. Egress maps are posted near the entry door of each classroom and at the beginning and end of each hallway. All preferred egress routes are marked on the maps by a red line and arrows. Any parents or visitors should follow the directions provided by our staff members and exit with the class they are with or go immediately to the closest outside exit if they are not with a class. While outside, teachers take attendance and utilize our methods of communication to locate any student who may have been in other areas or with other teachers during the evacuation. Everyone remains outside until further directions are given and no students are dismissed during any safety procedure until the threat or warning has passed. Lockdown – In the event of a full lockdown, an announcement is made from the office (or wherever the threat may be), sharing that a lockdown has been initiated which includes all staff and students remaining inside and moving to pre-identified safety areas within their classrooms. Any parents or visitors should follow the directions provided by our staff members and move with the class they are with or go immediately to the nearest room and lock the door by removing the door blocks that cover each door’s strike plate. While sheltering, our teachers take attendance and utilize our methods of communication to locate any student who may have been in other areas or with other teachers during the lockdown notification. Everyone remains in lockdown until further directions are given and no student will be dismissed until the threat or warning has passed. Visitor Check-in-All outside doors are locked to make sure that all students are safe. We ask that all visitors check in to the front office and receive a visitor pass. Please respect our safety measures and come in at the front office. In the event of an actual emergency, we will communicate necessary information to our families in a timely manner via our School Messenger phone system.

Updated Contact Information: Please contact Lynd or Maureen in the office to let us know when you have a change in your contact information or emergency contacts so that we can keep them updated in our system. 

We are thrilled to have students back, as we continue to create a dynamic learning environment for your children.  Thank you for sending your children to school here at Florida Mesa! 

Best regards,

Vanessa Fisher, Principal

Shannon Morris, Assistant Principal