Dear Florida Mesa Families,

Unified Improvement Plan:  For the 2016-17 school year we have four major improvement strategies in place.  They are as follows:

  1. Implement a guaranteed and viable curriculum as outlined in curriculum maps in ELA, math, science and social studies to ensure all students achieve at least one year’s worth of growth or more, if needing to catch up.
  1.        Develop and implement a common instructional framework to ensure all students achieve one year’s growth or more if needing to catch up.
  2.        Develop and implement an assessment system that gathers evidence, determining if a student has made at least one year’s growth or more if needing to catch up.
  3.        Develop school environments that are positive, productive, safe, caring, and engaging for students and adults where discipline referrals decline as attendance rates and academic achievement increase.

The staff is working diligently to address each of these key areas.  As I visit classrooms I see students who are interested, curious, and who understand that their education is important.  Yippee!

Academic Benchmark:  The middle of the school year is an important time for educators to determine students’ academic levels, so that we can make decisions about how we can support our learners for the remainder of the school year.  Next week we are assessing student reading.  We noticed that each student is growing in areas such as fluency and re-telling.  Additionally, in the coming weeks we will give students the assessments in other core areas to monitor progress toward the most important grade level standards.

Warm Clothing: As we move to the winter months please remember we spend each morning as well a daily recess, outside. Please dress your child accordingly. We also have a great deal of lost and found items including winter coats, hats and gloves.  Please remind your children to gather their items and use them during our recesses.

Thank you for choosing Florida Mesa as your child’s school.  The staff is dedicated to the academic, social, and emotional success of each student, and we appreciate your critical role in our school community.  During this busy, and often, stressful time of the year, remember to take the time to relax with your loved ones and celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of your children.

Best regards, 

Vanessa Fisher, Principal

Shannon Morris, Assistant Principal