Florida Mesa Elementary Home

2022 Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award recipient
students work on math project

About Us

Florida Mesa is a thriving school community that serves approximately 280 students preschool through fifth grade. The staff is highly committed to supporting all students reach their maximum potential.
1st grade class
Where we’re located
Durango School District map
school building


The mission of Florida Mesa Elementary, an innovative learning community, committed to integrity and educational rigor, is to inspire, and develop compassionate, open-minded inquirers, who actively contribute to a better world, by guaranteeing equitable opportunities in a safe, healthy, and diverse environment.  

School & District News

A decorative graphic with floral illustrations and the text

Spring Break is March 17-21

Spring Break for Durango School District schools is Monday, March 17, through Friday, March 21. All schools will be closed. Regular class schedules will resume on Monday, March 24.
Abre logo

Big news: Abre is coming soon

We’re thrilled to announce that after Spring Break, families of secondary students will have access to Abre – a powerful tool designed to bring all your student’s important school information together in one place. From grades and assignments to key updates, Abre makes it easier than ever to stay connected and engaged in your student’s education.
woman in inflatable mustang costume talks to kids in a gym

Bond kicks off with big ideas and a galloping start

Durango School District (DSD) officially launched the 2024 Investing in Our Schools Bond with a high-energy event at Florida Mesa Elementary School (FMES) on Feb. 25, setting the stage for three years of transformative improvements across all of the district's schools.
Principal Shannon Morris with award

Principal's Message

Florida Mesa Elementary School was awarded the 2022 Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award, for demonstrating exceptional student growth.
“We are extremely proud of our students and staff for their hard work, as we have been working to close academic achievement gaps as a result of COVID-related impacts,” said Shannon Morris, principal of Florida Mesa Elementary School. “We have created learning environments focused on growth and academic achievement.”
Engineer Mountain

Quality of Life

Durango is a beautiful place to live and work. It is located at 6,512 feet elevation in Southwest Colorado near the Four Corners region. Families who live here enjoy a historic steam train, ski resort, rivers, vibrant downtown, bike trails, sky-high “fourteener” mountains, and four distinct seasons with an average of 266 sunny days per year. We welcome new families and new staff members, and we offer excellent benefits and competitive salaries. 

Accessibility Statement

It is the goal of Durango School District 9-R that the information on this website be accessible to individuals with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities. Good faith efforts are being made to ensure that our website complies with web accessibility standards.

Most pages on our site are available in HTML format, which can be read by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website. Additionally, some documents are in Google Docs, and Google Forms. Most modern browsers and screen readers can access Google-based documents. More information about Google web products accessibility can be found on the Google Accessibility website.

In order to ensure that Durango School District websites are accessible to everyone in our community, including those with disabilities, we are using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

If you cannot access any page(s) on our site, please email us at [email protected]. Include the location of the webpage/document, your name, email address, and phone number so we can provide the information in another format, and address the issue.